Minutes - 31 Jan 24



Wednesday 31 January 2024 c 12.15 pm

Present: A Lints, H Davis, R Craig, J McLeod, G McKirdy, B Bell, C Tough, H Maxwell

1  Apologies


2  Minutes of previous meeting 1.11.2023 and matters arising

Approved Anthea, seconded Helen. All Actions had been undertaken except the revision of the Etiquette Sheet which Rona will update. One was received from Curl Edinburgh which should be used as a basis. To be circulated to the Committee before being sent to all members. It should be brief and concise. Action: RC

3  President's Report

Anthea has attended the only EWC Committee Meeting since our last Committee Meeting. The Minutes were forwarded and are also on the EWC website. Most of the discussions had been about the Competitions organized by them. Fulton Salver is Monday 18 March and sign up sheets have been issued.

4  Treasurer's Report

Current balance is £1,162.88. Drinks will be provided by the club for the Dinner and Auditor to be recompensed. Janette and Helen to arrange transfer of Bank details. Action: JMcL, HM

5  40th Anniversary

Anthea had investigated several venues which were either very expensive or the menu was ordinary. Cannonball House was the best deal at £50 + £5 tip, and central. However £1200 must be spent to get room free but this includes drinks. 20 members have signed up. Rona has also invited some past members but they are all unable to attend. It was agreed that it was probable that we could make up the £200 with drinks. Anthea will confirm booking. Committee asked for ideas re entertainment! Action: AL; All

6  Closing Bonspiel & AGM Arrangements – March 2024

It was agreed that, due to the Dinner being on the evening of 27 March, the AGM would now be on

20 March when the usual lunch will be held. As we cannot have meetings of over 12, the AGM and prizegiving will again be at St Ninian's, Corstorphine 1.30-3.30 pm. Folks can either hop on a bus or park nearby.

Trophies need returned. Anthea to get them engraved. Action: RC; AL

Agenda to be sent out 2 weeks before along with intimation of the change to the Constitution item 3 which states a Committee of 10, made up of 4 Office Bearers and 6 additional members.

It is proposed to reduce Committee to a maximum of 8 in total. Action: RC

As Janette and Carolyn will be standing down, 2 new members are required. Helen Maxwell, who is on the Committee and who has become familiar with the club's finances, has agreed to be proposed as treasurer.. Rona has been persuaded (almost) to remain another year on the proviso that she is supported by (hopefully ) her successor.

7  Summer Outing (26 June)

Anthea suggested Jupiter Artland as she has tickets for free entry. We would have a stroll round then lunch in the private Marquee Cottage Garden, or in the café depending on numbers. Quiche and salad, t/c and chocolate brownies for £18.

Date 26 June. Action: AL

8  Golf Outing (May)

Janette asked if she would try Ratho again or if a change would be considered. Helen offered to try Ravelston and this was agreed. Walkers could walk round the course or go up Corstorphine Hill. Helen was unavailable 15 May so 8 May was agreed. Action: HM

9  Competitions

  • District Medal – Heather had not heard.
  • Province 29 Jan 9.30 am & 11.45 am – Heather had managed to get 2 teams team 1 (G Black, R Craig, S Skene, A Lints) beat Pentland; team 2 (H Ferry, M Grant, J McLeod, J Bruce) lost to SAIE
  • Pate 3 Feb Kelso 2 pm (G Black, J Bruce, J McLeod, L Cargill)
  • BHF 16 Feb – (G Black, F Smith, J Bruce, I Edwards). It was agreed that the players would pay for the ice and the Club would make the donation. Players to be asked to each transfer £17.50 to CLCC and Janette would pay MCL. Raffle tickets would be available but to be purchased with cash. Donation also cash. Action: RC; JMcL

10  AOCB

a  Fixture List 2024-25 – not applicable till after AGM

b  Discussion about slow play resulting nowadays usually only getting 7 ends. It was suggested awarding teams one point if 8 ends are played but this was rejected. However it should be encouraged through the Etiquette sheet, as "8 ends are expected", Action: RC

Meeting closed at 1.10 pm.

Date of Next Meeting – 28 February 2024

Fyi - Subsequent to the meeting

5  Cannonball House confirmed. One withdrawal so now 19!

6  AGM – St Ninian's booked 20 March 1.30-3.30 pm

8  Golf Outing – Ravelston not available 8 May so agreed 1 May

9  District Medal – RC contacted RCCC we hadn't entered!