Minutes - 2 Feb 22

COMMITTEE MEETING Wednesday 2 February 2022 - Murrayfield 12.30 pm

Present: K Dalland, A Lints, R Craig, J McLeod, L Cruickshank, C Tough, H Davis, J Milliken.

1. Apologies


2. Minutes of previous meeting 22.12.2021 and matters arising

Proposed Kim; seconded Anthea.

3. President's Report

Our thoughts are with Anne Marie's family. The funeral is Thursday 10 Feb at 1pm. It is expected many people will attend as Anne Marie was well known in the curling world not just with Corstorphine Ladies.

Basically nothing to report. However Kim explained:

Lucille had agreed to be Score Keeper of the score sheets on the Board. It was felt best to reduce the number of people at the Board and also to eliminate the inevitable mistakes as all 2nds are not familiar with the completing process. Action: LC

The Match Secretary role, done by the Vice President, to be re-established. This only involves organising the District Medal, a SC competition, and the Midlothian Province Bonspiel, usually the last Monday in January.

Jan 2021 Province Bonspiel - CLCC can enter 2 teams. 8 ladies volunteered after all members were invited to play. We were drawn against Lothian Wheelchair CC and SAIE. Both teams lost in close games.

DM 4 Feb - again the requisite number volunteered to play after all members invited. As it happened the 4 fitted the playing positions. Individuals pay for the ice but the club, as host, pays for refreshments. As Janette (Treasurer) is playing she will organise. Action: JMcL

British Heart Foundation Bonspiel 11 Feb - participation by invite only. Only 4 members volunteered to play.

Sellar- some of our ladies were in the runners up team in both the Low Road and High Road Finals. One of our Reserves was in a winning team.

4. Clarification Paper

Issued prior meeting to Committee along with Extract from Minutes of Committee Meeting May 2016 and Format for Selection of Rinks. Kim, Anthea and Rona had met to prepare the Paper which arose after some confusion during some competitions.

Pairs - This year we had tried playing just 3 stones each in the Pairs to ensure 4 ends were played. However some ladies were unhappy at just playing 3 stones instead of 4 as made playing time very brief and they would prefer to go back to 4. The Committee voted 5-3 in favour of reverting to 4. Kim to take to AGM.

Action: KD

Sign Up games - organised by the Secretary (excluding DM & Province Bonspiel) ensuring 3 members of the Committee make the Draw.

After some discussion the Paper was agreed, with some changes and will be incorporated in the booklet.

Action: RC

Skips' Choice of Playing Positions and Reserve List - The main discussion centred on the Skips' Picks meeting which traditionally has been immediately after the AGM.

Carolyn, a Skip, reported that Skips would rather meet to decide members playing positions at a time convenient to all of them. This was accepted as rational and agreed. Carolyn to arrange with fellow skips. Action: CT

The contentious issue of the Skips' choice of Reserve Skip, Third, Second and Lead was also discussed This has become obvious due to the sad and difficult circumstances the Club has faced this year, and highlighted by the Thirds Competition. The Reserves had not been used L1 nor the KO but the respective Rink members had been bumped up. However it was decided to apply the Reserve List to L2. Rona explained that Reserves were not asked, nor did they agree, to being Reserve and that in fact only the Secretary was told, and not to reveal unless necessary. Kim, Anthea and Rona had discussed at their meeting and Kim had spoken to those involved. In the original Amended Rinks the rule stating Skips had to play Lead had been overlooked. Nevertheless this was a conundrum. 3 ladies had actually skipped. Kath has agreed to be lead in the Thirds. The newly Amended Rinks was agreed and will be issued. Action: RC

With regard to a skip being away 2 of the 3 games in the Thirds Competition it was agreed in this case a Club Reserve would have to be Lead. It was also agreed to add a qualifier to the paper re 'Stand Downs and Reserves' (iii) In the Thirds' Competition the sub goes in above the Skip, who always remains at Lead, unless it's the Skip, as Lead, who is being replaced. Action: RC

It was unanimously agreed that the Reserve List be abolished and in future Rink members would be bumped up.

This would also give the opportunity for ladies to try different playing positions.

Thirds & KO - Carolyn proposed that these Competitions should keep the same teams. It had been discussed at a Committee Meeting Feb2016 and had been voted against. Kim wished the Committee to think about it for the next meeting. However others felt it sensible.

6. Papers for AGM

Membership Status - required before AGM. However agreed not to hold members to account should they decide by beginning of August that they do not wish to re-join the Club. Playing Positions can be re-jigged if this occurs but Skips can still decide their choices around the AGM.

Skips' Ballot - This is due this year. All members are invited to stand for being a Skip, though they require to be nominated by a Proposer and Seconder. Present Skips automatically stand for re-election, unless they indicate they wish to resign. If more than 6 names a ballot will be held before the AGM. It was agreed nominations be returned to the Secretary by 23 Feb and, if a ballot required, votes by 2 March.

Booklet -some members have requested return of booklet. Kim suggested splitting - 1 for names and contact details, Rinks and programme; 2 for Constitution and other bits of info. Under Contacts Reserves and Associates to be listed separately respectively.


a. Cards had been sent to Ruth and to Douglas and Kirstie Ross.

b. Past President's badges - only one left. Agreed to purchase more. Action: RC

Club badges should be available for purchase at the AGM. Action: RC

c. Summer Outing - Rona asked that for the next meeting the Committee thought about a venue. Anthea wondered why not Abbotsford as we had to postpone that in 2020. Agreed. Action: RC

d. Web Site - Janette wondered if anyone know how to do HTML as it would be better to put the Score Sheet on the web. She and Heather are to look in to it. Action: JMcL; HD

Meeting closed at 2 pm.

Next Meeting Wednesday 16 February @ 1215 pmEnter your text here...